. References to published works should be made in the body of the text in brackets, indicating name of the author and the year of the work. Example: (MILNER, 2007).
. In the case of authors whose years of writing the text is relevant, include it followed by year of publication used. Example: (LACAN, 1953/1978).
. In the case of works of the same author and year, distinguish them with the use of letters, in the order of appearance in the article. Example: (MACHADO, 2006a), (MACHADO, 2006b).
. In case of reference to works of multiple authors, all should be cited, using ";" and "&". Example: (DUBOIS; GUESPIN & MEVEL, 1973), (NANCY & LACOUE-LABARTHE, 1992).
. References should appear at the end of the article in alphabetical order of surname (if more than one work by the same author, they should be listed in chronological order as the year of publication), in the following order of items:
. Book - author's last name in capital letters, the original author, year of publication - preceded, if applicable, by the year in which it was written - in brackets, title in italics, city, publisher. Example: LACAN, J. (1972-1973/1985) O Seminário livro 20, Mais, ainda. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar.
. Article in a book - author's last name in capital letters, the original author, year of publication in brackets, title of article in quotes, followed by "in" and the surname and initials of the organizer, the book title in italics, city, publisher, and pages consulted for the article. Example: KANGUSSU, I. (2004) “Sobre o sujeito discreto”, in IANNINI, G.; ROCHA, G. M.; PINTO, J. & SAFATLE, V. (orgs.). O tempo, o objeto e o avesso. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, pp. 51-62.
. Chapter or part of a book - author's last name in capital letters, the original author, year of publication in brackets, title of chapter or part in quotes followed by "in" and the book title in italics, city, publisher, pages for the chapter / part consulted. Example: LACAN, J. (1960/1978) “Subversão do sujeito e dialética do desejo no inconsciente freudiano”, in Escritos. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, pp. 275-311.
. Article in a journal - author's last name in capital letters, the original author, year of publication in brackets, title of article in quotes, name of magazine in italics, volume (see), number (n), city, publisher, pages consulted for the article. Example: TEIXEIRA, A. (2005) “Da soberania do inútil”. Kriterion, v. XLVI, n. 111. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, pp. 91-103.
. Theses and dissertations - author's last name in capital letters, the original author, year of defense, title in quotation marks, type of work, program, institution, city. Example: ROCHA, G. M. (1998) “Elementos para uma investigação sobre a consciência na metapsicologia de Freud”. Dissertação de Mestrado, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
. Article published in electronic journal - author's last name in capital letters, the original author, year of publication in brackets, title of article in quotes, name of magazine in italics, volume (see), number (n), e-mail address. Example: TARELHO, L. C. (1999) “Reflexões sobre a clínica psicanalítica das psicoses”. Psicopatologia fundamental on-line, ano II, n. 3. Disponível em: http://www.psicopatologiafundamental.org. |